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Change Can Be a Daring Adventure

We are in a very exciting and challenging time at home, here in the US and internationally. We have seen an escalation of violence, mean spiritedness, hatred, and lack of respect / dignity and against each other. Religious beliefs attacked and interrogated. The integrity and morality seem to float like a butterfly which would see to land the perfect flower.

Where is perfection? Where were looking for, who to trust, who to believe. The dilemma.

How can we begin to solve the problems that present themselves to us every day? We can look and put our trust in the government, civil servants, politicians, accountants or anyone (someone) to have all the answers. We can look for the security in our work, business, partner, spouse, and the community. But, as mentioned in one of the speeches of the recent policy conference, we are better together!

What does this mean to look like to be together?

The famous anthropologist Margaret Mead said, "Never doubt that a small group of citizens who committed change the world can, in fact, it is the only thing that ever has."

I am not in favor of a political party, but it is absolutely clear that we can make a difference. We are to influence the changes in the situation. We are stronger together. Teamwork has always been effective. If we. In alignment first, we need to a bit "of consensus, what are the problems. There are some issues that are very personal, and some impact on all of us. We must find ways to respect the employees, so that we can move to the communal.

We are at a critical time in our development.

The biggest questions should be how we contribute to this beautiful planet earth that we call home; our human brothers and sisters, and not know how I can target my bags. Please do not misunderstand me, take care of themselves (physically, financially, mentally and emotionally) it. Primarily, and it is important that we realize that we are guardians of each other we do not exist in a vacuum. We have a responsibility to ensure that those who are unable to care for themselves, to be healed. We cannot turn our backs on the turn less qualified.

Our houses burn! (As crosses better) If you do not put out the fire, it will spread to our neighbor's house, and are the other neighbors and the whole community in a short time in flames. We all suffer. We must invest in protecting our communities.

We need to learn ways to communicate with each other. We must use the best and worst of our individual experiences, so that shared values ​​can arise.

So, as we begin this monumental task to make changes? First, we must be our thoughts ourselves, our feelings, our perceptions be superimposed and ourselves. In other words, we need to be aware.

Awareness gives us the opportunity to be in the NOW. Completely. If we present, what happens to us, in us, around us, we get a sense of who we are, and we relate differently. We get into the higher vibration of the "moment." We are observers and participants. We look at our bodies. How do we breathe? What do we feel? Where we feel? We begin self-examination. This helps us centered. We make better decisions when we are centered. We have the feeling and the essence is connected.

There are so many practices that can give us access to our own inner being. We must be willing to incorporate something special, something sacred in our daily lives. This investigation can be an insight into the psychology of the man simply us.

I believe that we are at a turning point in a range of expansive spiritual / scientific / religious / material / world domination, and the collapse of life beyond the norm to go, as we have known it is making way for a break occur.

There are more questions than answers, and the survey; we can get the inner movements begin as external problems to solve.

A dip in the inner you, so may see this change, heard, be seen, and enhance ripple outwards. The decision to change is personal, and the effects can be quite phenomenal. Our individual variation could be the most revolutionary thing that is needed.

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