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Health and Wellness 101

One big difference between the word health and wellness. While most people consider those words to convey similar meanings, their definitions vary greatly. Health, according to the Merriam Webster Dictionary, is defined as "the state of being healthy in body, mind and spirit, Particular freedom from physical disease or pain" In other words, health is a conditional state. A person can be in good health or poor health, according to their physical and emotional symptoms. As well, a person can the state of their health for the better by changing their habits and bad. For example, if a person is considered unhealthy because of a weight problem or high blood pressure, you can start exercising to change a healthy diet and poor lifestyle. When that person eventually loses weight and lowers the blood pressure, the doctor can explain that I am now in good health. However, the term health is limited. This person can easily return to a state of unhealthiness slip through the customs are there in the first place.

On the other hand, health is defined as "the quality or state of being in good health, the more actively sought goal." Welfare, health contrary, which is conditioned, is a constant state of optimal health, which is maintained for a prolonged effort. If health and wellness were called terms being that health would be a sprint and a marathon of well-being. Welfare, health, does account for the physical, emotional and mental health of a person. However well-being refers to struggle and general well-being in the physical worlds, emotional and spiritual. Mainly due to continued efforts of the person to excellence

E 'for this reason that the plans of corporate wellness of a company are the long-term success is essential. Health programs in the workplace simply do not promote the health of employees, but also the importance of being a constant state of health and well-being. The long-term health benefits for employees of a company are not paid to health plans, happier workers and higher production rates. While it may seem to be generally known, a person is physically healthy and emotionally stable, will perform at a level higher than that of an employee who is not satisfied with his overall health. This not only for the benefit of a company, while the program is in place, but much later to benefit as a result of his work for a healthy lifestyle. A wellness lifestyle is more than a physical condition of the person. It will also consider the emotional and mental health. Now the importance of good health of its employees should not be minimized. E 'extremely important that all employees to encourage a company to try to achieve a healthy state. However, the pursuit of health should not end once a person reached their desired goals health. A trip to the well-being is what constitutes an effective plan of corporate wellness.

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