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Need to Review the Definition of Health by WHO in the Light of Research in the Parapsychology Field

The current definition of the World Health Organization’s Health includes physical, mental and social health. But even a quick look at the current state of the world shows that social health is conspicuous by its absence. There is deep concern in almost every country.

Crime rate is rising in almost all countries. There is steadily increasing alcohol abuse, drug abuse, human trafficking, child abuse (physical, psychological and sexual), terrorism, rampant corruption and the breakdown of families. Not a day passes without news of murders and rapes.

All the advances in science and technology have not helped people enjoy peace and happiness. The reason for this is the abandonment of spiritual development. Today's average man running, not knowing where it is going.

Leading psychiatrists in an effort to handle problems such as anxiety, depression and phobias have realized that man is not only a combination of body and mind, but also a soul that survives the body after death. Specialists in other areas have also recognized that man as well as a spiritual dimension. Many renowned scientists including several Nobel prizes are convinced of the existence of the soul. Therefore there is a need to define health and re-include the spiritual dimension of health.

We do not yet know the exact cause of many diseases. Extensive research in the field of past life regression has been shown to have many health problems associated with their roots in our previous life. Reincarnation is not a myth but a fact. The search for the reincarnation research or proof reincarnation will bring a long list of results.

Redefining health Mere alone will not solve all the problems. But if more and more people understand and realize that their work will return certainly try to reform himself the cosmic law of cause and effect. How doctor’s leaders in every seminar organizing country begin, talk radio and TV shows on scientific evidence of the existence of the soul and reincarnation people will surely take interest in the subject. People will start that the purpose of human life to understand, to grow spiritually and realize our true nature.

Who should any member country to promote the new definition of health assume that includes the spiritual dimension and change the medical training accordingly? Doctors have an important role in helping people to play, to enjoy good health. To do this effectively, doctors must first understand full health.

Physical health cannot be maintained without the care of mental health and mental health, without the fight against spiritual ignorance are protected. Needless to say, cause mental disorders to social problems.

Modern medicine focuses mainly a disease and the treatment was oriented system. There is a need to change this approach and give primary importance to disease prevention and health maintenance.

It is also desirable to combine modern medicine with Ayurveda to promote holistic health. Ayurveda, which is at least 5,000 years old, has a more complete definition of including physical, psychological and spiritual dimensions of health.

Ideally, everyone has a part of social responsibility should have. Physicians should perhaps to a greater extent than they are responsible for health. We are affected by what is happening in our society. No one can be safe in his house when his neighbor's house on fire.

Humanity has paid a high price for neglecting the mental development. Another equally serious threat to world peace is religious fundamentalism. We can promote, through scientific spirituality is to counter the threats and of a new world order based on truth, justice, peace, love and non-violence to establish.

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